Personal Injury

Uninsured Or Underinsured Driver In Escambia

you deserve more

If I Was Hit By An Uninsured Or Underinsured Driver In Escambia County, Do I Have Any Chance Of Recovering Financially For My Injuries?

You absolutely can recover damages if you’re hit by an underinsured or uninsured driver, as long as you have underinsured and uninsured insurance. The State of Florida regulates the kinds of insurance policies that insurance companies, like automobile insurance companies, can sell in this State. Florida mandates companies selling automobile insurance to offer uninsured and underinsured insurance as an additional coverage. Not only are they required to offer the coverage, but the State also presumes you have this special insurance unless you reject the coverage in writing. So always – always – make sure you have underinsured or uninsured coverage – it is known as UIM coverage in the industry.



       Whenever we see a case involving uninsured or underinsured drivers, we immediately look to your own insurance policy to see if you have that additional coverage. If you don’t, we demand the insurance company send us the written rejection you are required to sign. We’ve had many cases where the company do not keep track of the written rejection, and we are able to get uninsured benefits to pay for the client’s injuries, medical bills, and pain and suffering.

It’s important in Florida to know if you have uninsured and underinsured coverage. If you don’t have that coverage, you need to get it now. Uninsured or underinsured coverage can be as much as $40 to $50 a month but can save you tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills, pain and suffering, and treatment you could be liable for if someone without good insurance hits you.

60 to 70% of drivers in Escambia County are underinsured. The minimum amount of bodily injury insurance required in the State of Florida is $10,000. That won’t go far to cover medical bills and doctors’ payments. It’s essential to check if you have underinsured and uninsured coverage. If you don’t, get it.

We fight for you

If It’s Clear The Other Driver Was At Fault For The Accident That Caused My Injuries, Do I Still Need To Hire A Florida Personal Injury Attorney For My Case?

Even if you’re not at-fault, you should always hire a personal injury attorney, if you’ve been injured in a car accident. You often don’t know how injured you are. Your body responds to the initial injury by kicking up a lot of endorphins or adrenaline and often you are not cognizant of how injured you really are. It’s imperative a personal injury lawyer determine how injured you really are and investigate those injuries to the end of your case.

The insurance companies are designed to pay you less than they should. If they didn’t, they would be losing a lot of money. They are set up to make a lot of money by underpaying claims. If you don’t know the full ins and outs of insurance, and how it all really works, you need a personal injury attorney. One who is experienced in the kind of accident you had and the injuries you present with.

The internet has generated this new idea of going it alone, but the truth is you shouldn’t. People spend years specializing in this area of law. I’ve learned so much since I started doing this and now I’m even better for my clients.

For more information on Personal Injury Law in Florida, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (850) 432-7726 today.

With Crawford Law, you gain an experienced and reliable team committed to getting your compensation, including:

  • Medical and rehabilitation expenses

  • Lost wages

  • Pain and suffering

  • Property damages

  • Additional damages

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