Should I Hire A Public Adjuster Or An Attorney?

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If you speak with an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in this area, he or she will have loss consultants. They will have individuals who are public adjusters with the same licenses. They’ll find damage in your house and give an appropriate value to the damage. The main difference between a public adjuster and an attorney is what happens if the insurance company doesn’t pay what your public adjuster specifies.

At that point, your public adjuster cannot do anything. That’s where the buck stops. A lawyer, however, can do a lot more. A lawyer can demand an appraisal and setup the appraisal process, a lawyer can file a lawsuit. A public adjuster can start your claim and adjust the value of damage to your house, but they may not be able to end your claim. If your claim is denied, or if they’re not willing to give you the full value for your damaged home, you’re going to have to hire a lawyer. Your lawyer will then have to take that extra step.

We always recommend going to an attorney because you will not have to pay twice for a public adjuster and an attorney. When you hire an attorney, the attorney will handle the entire situation from the start to finish. Your attorney will be able to go beyond the limits of a public adjuster. Further, not all states allow public adjusters to represent clients. For instance, public adjusters in Alabama are not allowed to represent clients. You must hire an attorney in Alabama because the state requires that anybody who is dealing with insurance claims be a licensed attorney through the bar since they are practicing law.

Is There Anything Else That We Didn’t Touch On That Is Important To Cover Under Hurricane Damage Claims?

We want everyone to know that hiring an attorney for your hurricane claim is not an expense you pay immediately up-front. Our job is to get you the money you are entitled to from the insurance company. The fee then deducted from your total recovery. Anything that we base the attorney fees on will be recovered after the fact. Insurance companies will do anything they can to deny, delay, or put off. To that effect, hiring an attorney and a loss consultant firm is the best way to protect the client. As a homeowner, we know that you are looking for the most bang for your buck, hiring a lawyer is the best way to do it.

As a loss and damage consultant with my firm, my role is to investigate and determine how to do repairs on your structure, and put together an estimate. I will hire structural engineers or general contractors to help identify issues in the construction process. I can also point clients in the right direction on how to temporarily repair any damages to their home.

For more information on Hurricane Insurance Claims in Florida, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (850) 432-7726 today.

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